Minnesota Rural-Urban Exchange Logo

The Exchange

Cohort Experience

What is the experience?

RUX attracts Minnesotans who are interested in the cultural and historical experiences that are representative of a place. We invite applications each Spring and select our cohort based on peer review–working to ensure that each RUX cohort is diverse in thoughts and beliefs, geography, and their experiences of age, ability, expertise, gender, race, sexuality, culture, and class.

Cohort members commit to four community intensive weekend gatherings over a two-year period, with two intensives scheduled between May–October each year. In each community, a host committee and regional partner design an itinerary that uplifts the hidden treasures in their community and reflects their diversity of people, cultures, organizations, and businesses. Alongside these place-based experiences, RUX integrates workshops, trainings, and facilitation that support creative leadership development, build networks, and inspire cross-sector collaborations.

What you give

  • Attendance at all four exchange weekends over two years; your complete participation is vital to the experience.
  • Transportation and some meal costs. (Carpooling and travel reimbursements are available.)
  • Collaboration with other exchange participants to address opportunities and challenges in your community.
  • Continued communication throughout the two years, including completing requests for information and follow-up surveys.
  • A signed participant agreement form.

What you get

  • Lifelong friends across the state, who share your passions and interest in Minnesota’s future.
  • Skills development and new connections that benefit you personally and professionally.
  • Access to media, readings, and the unique Currency of Connection Framework.
  • Overnight stays which will help you see Minnesota communities from new perspectives.
  • Food, experiences, and entertainment reflecting regional culture and traditions.
  • The benefit of understanding other Minnesotans' narratives and experiences.

Is this right for you?

Are you looking to foster a greater love for your place?

Do you want to feel more understood by others across Minnesota?

Are you eager to share your place with others?

Do you long to meet more people whose lived experience varies from yours?

Are you longing to feel more at home in your place?

Then RUX could be the connection you need!

Learn about the application process ︎︎︎


How to Apply

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For Inquiries

Email Us

at mnruralurbanexchange@gmail.com

The Exchange

Cohort Experience

The Connectors

Meet the 2023 Cohort and Core Connectors


Join Us


How to Apply


RUX so far